Wednesday, 6 January 2016

"ME" is Amazing - no matter what others say or Don't say !!

Getting ready to go out…putting our best clothes…perfect hair…matching shoes…looking into the mirror you smile at yourself…you know you look fab…but there’s still something more that you want apart from the perfect reflection…a flattering compliment from your better half…n just incase you do not get one…you are suddenly doubting yourself…Do I look ok? He doesn’t like it? Why is he not saying anything? There goes your evening unless you find somebody who can boost your ego enough to bring it back!! Does that happen to you?? It definitely happens with me and a lot of times…nothing to boast of though but strangely even when we know that its crazy to look for approval when we know we don’t have to….we just lose ourselves with these everyday scenarios…looking for appreciation…secretly hoping for it every time we do something new or just do anything for that matter and share with people close to us. We want them to like it – criticism is a No-No – its not what you expect and if it happens..OMG..Did I just feel my heart break over something as silly as a new haircut?

But the question is why? Why do we need people to approve of the way we look or the way we are and by approval I mean – appreciation in any form – and if say somebody doesn’t then does that make us any less or the other way round? Honestly it does kind of make us vulnerable to thoughts of self doubt..especially when it comes to our partners – we tend to get extra sensitive about it…but is it really worth it? Attaching all those emotions when they can be hurt in a jiffy??

You may think I’m exaggerating when I say that…but without realizing at times..we have been into such scenarios and its later that we understand how much we depend on somebody’s liking for the way we are and when its not conveyed often. We learn this lesson multiple times in life – “When you start giving too much importance to someone in your life – you lose value in their life”  - its like the law of marginal utility – when you have anything in abundance, you derive less satisfaction from it as compared to other things - And we still do it again and again and again…only to realize it is the ultimate truth.

I guess it all starts with the moment you suddenly make someone the center of your universe…you want to do everything together or for him/her. Everything happening in your life is about that one person – what he/she likes, what their plans are etc. and you start losing out on your own self. Its good to love without anything holding you back but that does not mean you need to depend on that one person so much as to your very own existence seems questionable when they are not around?

So why bother what others think – and why not just be happy and content with the way we truly are – as a person – a normal human being with no superpowers…yeah so what?? That’s me J 

I came across this lovely post on Facebook and it’s a must share and certainly recommended as a daily dose for people like us :D

“Hey You!..YES..YOU. STOP being unhappy with yourself, you are perfect. STOP wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else. STOP trying to get attention from those who hurt you. STOP hating your body, your face, your personality, your Quirks. Love them as without those things You wouldn’t be YOU and why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with who you are, Smile J. MY Happiness will not depend on others anymore, I am happy because I love who I am, I love my flaws and I love my imperfections. They make me “me” and “ME” is pretty AMAZING!!”